Implementing Azure Time Series Insights on Azure Digital Twins to analyze telemetry data. My Festive Tech Calendar submission.
This post accompanies the video Festive Tech Calendar: Implementing Azure Time Series Insights on Azure Digital Twins to analyze telemetry data [YouTube video]
Step 1: First, you need to set up your environment. To do this, you will want to first review the post here: Azure Back to School: Developing with Azure Digital Twins
In general, you need the following prerequisites:
1) Code from my repo
Digital Twins Demo on Brian's GitHub
2) Azure IoT Hub
3) Azure Digital twins instance
Get started with Azure Digital Twins Explorer
4) Three or more trailers modelled in the ADT space
5) Trailer devices registered in your IoT Hub
6) Simulators linked to the IoT Hub devices
7) Azure Function with ADT Owner rights to handle events to push data to ADT from IoT Telemetry events
8) Event Subscription in the IoT hub to the Azure function.
9) Azure Function ADT URL Setting configured
All of this is covered in the video from my AB2S Submission from September and the blog post
Developing with Azure Digital Twins [Video]
Developing with Azure Digital Twins [blog post]
After getting everything set up, you will need:
1) Integrate Azure Digital Twins with Azure Time Series Insights
Integrate Azure Digital Twins with Azure Time Series Insights
2) Event Hub
3) Event Grid Event to trigger the function
4) An additional function for processing (found in the code at the repo)
Code from Brian's GitHub repo
Follow along with the documentation and the video to create the time series insights on the ADT instance
Implementing Azure Time Series Insights on ADT to analyze telemetry data [Video]
I hope this was useful and enjoyable! Let me know in the comments or send me a message
or at
Brian on Linked In [Open Networker]
Categories: : AZ-220, Azure, Azure Digital Twins, Time Series Insights